Goa witnessed its first web3.0 residency program at Morjim

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Urban Nomads recently organized a unique Web3.0 Residency Program in Morjim, bringing together investors, builders, creators, and enthusiasts. Urban Nomads, founded by Nakul Rajpurohit, Navin Kishore Singh, and Amit Kumar, aims to create a platform that promotes co-working and community building.

The Web3.0 Residency saw the attendance of investors, founders, and community builders who mentored a group of builders and facilitators focused on making an impact in the Web3 space. Notable attendees included Jason Fernandes, Aditya Arora, Raj Kapoor, Preetam Rao, Abhishek Krishna, Gaurav Mehta, Vaibhav Gupta, Cyber Shakti, Paras Pundir, Kiraan Mehta, and Piyush Maheshwari. Jason Fernandes, one of the mentors, expressed his satisfaction in participating in the program and praised the quality of projects presented, as well as the passion of the young entrepreneurs and developers. He expressed his willingness to support and launch projects that emerged from the program in their Web3 journey.

Throughout the weekend, the mentors and founders conducted impactful sessions covering various topics such as their own Web3 journey, entrepreneurship, tokenomics, the creator economy, and community building. The program also featured an ideathon and pitch session, where the builders collaborated to brainstorm ideas that could have a positive impact on society at the grassroots level.

The attendees of the program came from diverse geographical backgrounds and pursued different career paths. It provided an excellent opportunity for networking with passionate individuals at different stages of professional growth within the Web3 community. From beginners to experienced founders and investors, the residency program offered a fresh approach to networking. The Web3 space is witnessing a shift in the work-life balance, and communities like these foster a culture of collaboration and co-living. Residency programs such as this one go beyond traditional meetups, allowing people to not only connect and socialize but also live and collaborate in shared spaces.

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